【タブー】アンドレ・ザ・ジャイアントになる前のモンスター・ロシモフ時代のレスリングが凄い! 類い稀な身体能力の高さが分かる1968年の試合! 私生活と子供と遺言!





1964年、18歳の時にパリでアンドレ “ザ・ブッチャー” ロシモフ(Andre “The Butcher” Rousimoff)としてデビュー。

『プロレススーパースター列伝』などで日本に流布していた「プロレスラーになる前にはきこりをしていて、山中にいるところをエドワード・カーペンティアに “発見” された」という逸話は事実ではなく、デビュー前はパリの家具運送会社に勤務しており、無名時代にカーペンティアに見出されたというのが真相である。


フランス時代はジェアン・フェレ(Géant Ferré / Giant Ferré)、モンスター・エッフェルタワー(Monster Eiffel Tower)などの名義で活動していた。


フランス語圏であるカナダのモントリオールを拠点に、ジャン・フェレ(Jean Ferré / 日本では英語風に「ジーン・フェレ」と読まれた)の名で活動する。

ここで映画『キング・コング』をモチーフにした世界八番目の不思議(The 8th Wonder of the World)というニックネームが付けられた。



1973年、アンドレ・ザ・ジャイアント(André the Giant)と改名し、WWWF(現:WWE)のプロモーターのビンス・マクマホン・シニアと契約。







バトルロイヤルやハンディキャップ・マッチなどで圧倒的体格による強さを見せつけつつ、テリー・ファンク、ハーリー・レイス、ニック・ボックウィンクル、スーパースター・ビリー・グラハムら当時のNWA・AWA・WWWFのヒール系世界王者を始め、ザ・シーク、ワルドー・フォン・エリック、モンゴリアン・ストンパー、パット・パターソン、キラー・カール・コックス、スタン・ハンセン、マスクド・スーパースター、ブルーザー・ブロディ、リック・フレアー、ケン・パテラ、ボビー・ダンカン、キラー・ブルックス、バグジー・マグロー、アブドーラ・ザ・ブッチャーなど、各テリトリーのトップヒールと対戦した(欧州では1979年12月にローラン・ボックとのシングルマッチも実現している )。


◼️【記事】European Star Franz Van Buyten Passes Away at 81


Franz Van Buyten traveled Europe for six decades, and is arguably best known for being the man to give a young Andre the Giant his first professional wrestling victory.


Andre The Giant VS Franz Van Buyten 1968 Andre’s First Title

◼️1968年 Andre The Giant VS Franz Van Buyten 1968 Andre’s First Title

◼️【番外編】国際プロレス ’72.05.02 サンダー杉山、ラッシャー木村、寺西勇VSモンスター・ロシモフ、イワン・バイテン、ティト・コパ(格闘チャンプフォーラム版)



◼️Personal life 私生活と子供


🔸Roussimoff was mentioned in the 1974 Guinness Book of World Records as the then-highest-paid wrestler in history. He earned an annual salary of approximately $400,000 (equivalent to $2,374,000 in 2022) at this time.

🔸Robin Christensen is Roussimoff’s only child.

Her mother Jean Christensen (who died in 2008) became acquainted with her father through the wrestling business around 1972 or 1973.

Christensen had almost no connection with her father and saw him only five times in her life, despite occasional televised and printed news pieces criticizing his absentee fatherhood.

While she gave some interviews about the subject in her childhood, Christensen was reportedly reluctant to discuss her father later in life.

🔸In 1989, Roussimoff was arrested and charged with assault after he attacked a KCRG-TV cameraman shooting his match with The Ultimate Warrior at Cedar Rapids, Iowa’s Five Seasons Center.

While acquitted on the assault charge, he was fined $100 (equivalent to $236 in 2022) for criminal mischief and ordered to pay KCRG $233 (equivalent to $550 in 2022) in damage to its equipment.

🔸William Goldman, the author of the novel and the screenplay of The Princess Bride, wrote in his nonfiction work Which Lie Did I Tell? that Roussimoff was one of the gentlest and most generous people he ever knew.

Whenever Roussimoff ate with someone in a restaurant, he would pay, but he would also insist on paying when he was a guest.

On one occasion, after Roussimoff attended a dinner with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Wilt Chamberlain, Schwarzenegger had quietly moved to the cashier to pay before Roussimoff could, but then found himself being physically lifted, carried from his table and deposited on top of his car by Roussimoff and Chamberlain.

🔸Roussimoff owned a ranch in Ellerbe, North Carolina, looked after by two of his close friends.

When he was not on the road, he loved spending time at the ranch, where he tended to his cattle, played with his dogs, and entertained friends.

While there were custom-made chairs and a few other modifications in his home to accommodate his size, tales that everything in his home was custom-made for a large man are said to be exaggerated.

Since Roussimoff could not easily go shopping due to his fame and size, he was known to spend hours watching QVC and made frequent purchases from the shopping channel.

◼️ Death 死と遺言

Roussimoff died at age 46 of congestive heart failure and apparent heart attack in his sleep, likely associated to his untreated acromegaly, at a Paris hotel on the morning of Thursday 28 January 1993.

He went to play cards with some friends on the night of Wednesday 27 January. He came back to his hotel room around 1 a.m. CET on 28 January.

In the afternoon, Roussimoff was found dead in his room by hotel management and his chauffeur.

He was in Paris to attend his father’s funeral.

While there, he decided to stay longer to be with his mother on her birthday.

He spent the day before his death visiting and playing cards with some of his oldest friends in Molien.

In his will, he specified that his remains should be cremated and “disposed of”.

Upon his death in Paris, his family in France held a funeral for him, intending to bury him near his father.

When they learned of his wish to be cremated, his body was flown to the United States, where he was cremated according to his wishes.

His ashes were scattered at his ranch (35.116211°N 79.80634°W) in Ellerbe, North Carolina.

In addition, in accordance with his will, he left his estate to his sole beneficiary: his daughter Robin.


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