【億万長者の挑戦】大富豪のグレン・スターンズ (Glenn Stearns)氏は正体を隠して90日間で無一文から1億円稼げるか? ディスカバリー・チャンネル史上最高傑作か⁉︎



彼はディスカバリーチャンネルのTV番組 Undercover Billionaireのスターであり、ペンシルベニア州エリーでのUnderdog BBQの創設者でもある。









Stearnsは1989年にStearns Lendingを設立しました。


Stearns Lendingは、2013年に米国で5番目に大きい非公開住宅ローン会社でした。

🟣Who is Glenn Bryant Stearns?

Glenn Bryant Stearns (born 1963) is an American businessman, and the founder of Stearns Lending.

He is the star of the Discovery Channel’s show Undercover Billionaire, and subsequent founder of Underdog BBQ in Erie, Pennsylvania.

●Early life

Stearns was born in 1963 in Silver Spring, Maryland.

His father was a printer and his mother was a grocery store clerk and house cleaner.

The family lived in a low-income apartment complex in the suburbs of Washington D.C.

Stearns was a socially adept child but struggled in school.

He was diagnosed with dyslexia, but his parents kept this from him. He was humiliated when he failed the fourth grade.

Stearns’ parents divorced when he was 17.


Stearns founded Stearns Lending in 1989.

He was chief executive officer (CEO) from its founding until May 2012 when Stearns named Brian Hale, former president and national production executive of MetLife Home Loans, as his successor.

Stearns Lending was the fifth-largest privately held mortgage lender in the US in 2013.

Personal life

When Stearns was 14 years old, Stearns’ eldest child, Charlene, was born.

Charlene’s mother is a woman named Kathy who was 17 at that time.

Charlene now manages Glenn’s escrow company.

In October 2003, Stearns married Mindy Burbano, who was an entertainment reporter for Entertainment Tonight and KTLA in Los Angeles.

They live in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Apart from his eldest daughter Charlene, Stearns has three sons named Skyler, Colby, and Trevor and two daughters who often appear on Mindy’s Instagram. Stearns also has two grandchildren.

In 2004, Stearns and Burbano appeared on the TBS reality TV show, The Real Gilligan’s Island as “the millionaire and his wife”, and he “won” the competition.

In 2014, he was diagnosed with cancer, which inspired him to do reality TV.

In 2019, the Discovery Channel TV show, Undercover Billionaire followed Stearns as he built a startup company from scratch. During filming of the show he had a recurrence of cancer.

🟣【億万長者の挑戦】正体隠して1億円稼げ!無一文からの90日間ビジネスサバイバル | Ep1. 起業チャレンジ!覆面ビリオネア

●日本語 エピソード1


🟣【億万長者の挑戦】節約トラック生活で心身崩壊 400ドルで家を借りたい| Ep2. 起業チャレンジ!覆面ビリオネア

●日本語 エピソード2


🟣【億万長者の挑戦】逆襲開始!地元チーム結成で不動産転売に全額ベット| Ep3. 起業チャレンジ!覆面ビリオネア

●日本語 エピソード3

🟣【億万長者の挑戦】造酒交渉決裂 “No”からビジネスは始まる| Ep4. 起業チャレンジ!覆面ビリオネア

●日本語 エピソード4

🟣【億万長者の挑戦】突然の契約破棄 苛立つグレンと揺らぐ信頼| Ep5. 起業チャレンジ!覆面ビリオネア

●日本語 エピソード5

🟣【億万長者の挑戦】遂に正体がバレる!? BBQフェス最大の危機| Ep.6 起業チャレンジ!覆面ビリオネア


🟣【億万長者の挑戦】運命のBBQフェス開幕!ビジネス力の全てを賭けろ!| Ep.7 起業チャレンジ!覆面ビリオネア


🟣【億万長者の挑戦】涙の最終回 労働と絆への対価| Ep.8 起業チャレンジ!覆面ビリオネア

●日本語 エピソード8 最終回

🟣Undercover Billionaire (Glenn Stearns) – Full Screen – Full Season

英語 英語字幕あり 全エピソード

英語 英語字幕あり 全エピソード

🟣Glenn Stearns Talks Discovery’s UNDERCOVER BILLIONAIRE – PopCulture.com Exclusive Interview

●英語 インタビュー

🟣Undercover Billionaire (GRANT CARDONE) – Full Screen – Full Season





🟣【英語モニタリング番組】『アンダーカバー・ボス 社長潜入調査』(Undercover Boss)! 英語でビジネスのリアリティを学ぶ!