

◼️英語で、同調圧力は、peer pressure と言う。


Longman Dictionary:

a strong feeling that you must do the same things as other people of your age if you want them to like you

●Teenagers often start smoking because of peer pressure.


peer pressure : 仲間[同僚]からの圧力

●There is now more peer pressure among the team to win and do their jobs.


●They deal with jealousy, peer pressure and sibling rivalry.


●peer は、〔能力などが〕同等[同格]の人、対等者、〔会社などで地位・役割が同程度の〕同僚の意味。

●peer harassment : 同級生からのハラスメント

●peer assessment : 同僚評価、相互査察

●同調圧力を対処する(処理する) → 同調圧力に負けない

handle peer pressure

deal with peer pressure