【タブー】有名人を顧客に持つ霊媒師がタクシー運転手に扮して乗客を霊視する米国リアリティーショー「占いタクシー」「Seatbelt Psychic」



◼️Thomas John



Thomas John Flanagan, known professionally as Thomas John, is an American who claims to be a psychic medium.

He starred in the 2018 reality TV show, “Seatbelt Psychic”, and the CBS All Access series The Thomas John Experience beginning in June 2020.

In January 2020, John began a live show at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, which was put on hiatus as of March 16, 2020.

John has been the subject of significant criticism, including his use of information acquired online during group readings (hot readings).

◼️Seatbelt Psychic is a 2018 television series broadcast on the Lifetime TV network, starring psychic medium Thomas John who gives guests spiritual readings during a car ride.




Thomas John has a history working in the entertainment industry. In 2018, John developed Seatbelt Psychic for Lifetime.

The show was produced by James Corden and his production company Fulwell 73.

The first episode aired on July 11, 2018.


People receive a ride from John who tells them that he can speak to the dead. He then delivers a message he claims is from their deceased loved ones while being recorded by multiple cameras in the car.


According to skeptical writer Susan Gerbic, the show is deceptively edited to create the impression that John’s guests were chosen entirely at random.

Gerbic said her own investigation revealed that guests were all local Los Angeles actors whose personal information was on file or easily accessed by the show’s producers, allowing John to use a form of hot reading to claim intimate knowledge of the guest was obtained via contact with the dead.

◼️Devastated Dad Connects With His Deceased Son | Seatbelt Psychic (S1 Flashback) | Lifetime


◼️I’m SPEECHLESS After Reading By A Medium To The Stars… (Thomas John)

◼️【死後の世界と交信】息子、恋人、父親を失った女性がこの世界で学ぶべきこと【占いタクシー -あなたの人生占います-】

◼️【死後の世界と交信】突然死した最愛の夫からの魂のメッセージに涙【占いタクシー -あなたの人生占います-】


◼️【死後の世界と交信】「なぜあんな目に…」謎に包まれていた兄の死の衝撃の事実【占いタクシー -あなたの人生占います-】



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