This is the year of the tiger.
This is the year of the 〜. の〜部分に下記の12支をあてはめる。
子 (ね): rat / mouse
丑 (うし):ox
寅 (とら):tiger
卯 (う):rabbit / hare
辰 (たつ):dragon
巳 (み): serpent / snake
午 (うま):horse
未 (ひつじ):sheep
申 (さる):monkey
酉 (とり):rooster / cock
戌 (いぬ):dog
亥 (い):pig / boar
→「I was born in the year of the dog.」
●What is the Chinese zodiac animal for 2022?
It is the year of the tiger.
●What is this year’s Chinese zodiac animal?
I think it is the year of the tiger.