【タブー】松岡洋右の英語力は? 1933年 国際連盟脱退時の外務大臣! 歴史の教科書に出てくる国際連盟総会を堂々と退場した際の英語スピーチ映像と英文原稿を見る! 「連盟よさらば!」












↑ 国際連盟脱退翌日の東京朝日新聞昭和8年2月25日朝刊2面


報告書採択翌日の昭和8年2月25日には、読売新聞が朝刊2面で、『日本と連盟遂に事実上絶縁 42対1で総会報告書採択 我代表席を蹴って退場 歴史的総会の大詰め』、夕刊1面で『日本、事実上脱退へ 最終総会 けふ閉会 松岡代表堂々反対宣言 四十五対一位で報告書採択か 日支問題 劇的大詰め』と報じるなど、国際連盟脱退の方向性が既に報じられていた。

また、同日の東京朝日新聞が朝刊2面で、『連盟よさらば! 遂に協力の方途尽く 総会、勧告書を採択し、我が代表堂々退場す 四十二対一票、棄権一』と報じ、中外商業新報も2月中に『聯盟よさらば わが代表決然議場を去る』と報じるなど、従前から連盟脱退を支持していた新聞各紙は、松岡洋右に対して好意的な報道を行った。









1933年 国際連盟脱退時の英語演説



🟣1933年2月24日 総会議事録


M. Matsuoka (Japan). ― On behalf of my
Government, I wish to make a declaration.
It is a source of profound regret and disappointment to the Japanese delegation and to the Japanese Government that the draft report has now been adopted by this Assembly. Japan has been a Member of the League of Nations since its inception. Our delegates to the Versailles Conference of 1919 took part in the drafting of the Covenant. We have been proud to
be a Member of the League, associated with the leading nations of the world in one of the grandest purposes in which humanity could unite. It has always been our sincere wish and pleasure to co- operate with the fellow-Members of the League in
attaining the great aim held in common and long cherished by humanity. I deeply deplore the situation we are now confronting, for I do not doubt that the same aim, the desire to see a lasting
peace established, is animating all of us in our deliberations and our actions.


 It is a matter of common knowledge that
Japan’s policy is fundamentally inspired by a genuine desire to guarantee peace in the Far East and to contribute to the maintenance of peace throughout the world. Japan, however, finds it impossible to accept the report adopted by the Assembly,
and, in particular, she has taken pains to point out that the recommendations contained therein could not be considered such as would
secure peace in that part of the world.
 The Japanese Government now finds itself
compelled to conclude that Japan and the other Members of the League entertain different views on the manner of achieving peace in the Far East,
and the Japanese Government is obliged to feel that it has now reached the limit of its endeavours to co-operate with the League of Nations in regard to the Sino-Japanese differences.  The Japanese Government will, however, make the utmost efforts for the establishment of peace
in the Far East and for the maintenance and
strengthening of good and cordial relations with other Powers. I need hardly add that the Japanese Government persists in its desire to contribute to human welfare and will continue its policy of co-operating in all sincerity in the work dedicated to world peace, in so far as such cooperation is possible in the circumstances created by the unfortunate adoption of the report.  On behalf of the Japanese delegation, before leaving the room, let me tender its sincerest appreciation of the efforts ungrudgingly made to find a solution of the Sino-Japanese dispute before you, for the past seventeen months, by the President and Members of the Council, as well as by the President and Members of the General Assembly to whom we offer our sincere thanks.

(The Japanese delegation withdrew.)
The Assembly rose at 1.50 p.m.


松岡洋右の英語、国際連盟脱退 カラー

Japan, however, finds it impossible to accept the report adopted by the Assembly,




It is a matter of common knowledge that
Japan’s policy is fundamentally inspired by a
genuine desire to guarantee peace in the Far East
and to contribute to the maintenance of peace
throughout the world. Japan, however, finds it
impossible to accept the report adopted by the




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